Table Tennis Rubber Andro Revolution Quad 450


The Andro Revolution Quad 450 was part of the discontinued Andro Revolution Quad series, designed for a balance of power, spin, and control in offensive play. Here’s a breakdown of what we can expect from this specific rubber, based on information available and comparisons with similar models:

Playing Style: Allround Offensive with a Focus on Spin – Similar to the Andro Revolution Quad 420, this rubber aimed for a balance of offensive capabilities, but the Quad 450 might have leaned slightly more towards spin generation while still maintaining decent control.

Technical Specifications (estimates):

Speed: Medium-Fast (around 85-88) – Offers good speed for attacking shots without being overly fast.
Spin: Very High – The Andro Revolution series was known for its grippy topsheet, likely making the Quad 450 excellent at generating powerful topspins, serves, and counterspins. This might be a key difference compared to the Quad 420.
Control: Medium – Similar to the Quad 420, the control might be a touch lower than some allround rubbers but still allowing for some precision in attacking shots, especially when focusing on spin-oriented techniques.
Hardness: Medium (around 45-47 degrees) – This is a common hardness for balanced offensive rubbers, providing a good combination of responsiveness and feel for the ball.

High Spin Potential: The grippy surface and focus on spin make the Andro Revolution Quad 450 likely ideal for players who want to generate powerful topspins and dominate rallies with spinny attacks.
Decent Control for Spin-Oriented Play: While prioritizing spin, the Quad 450 likely maintained a level of control suitable for intermediate players who can handle some speed, particularly when focusing on controlled topspins.
Potential Comfort: The medium hardness might have provided a comfortable feel for better touch and control over the ball, especially during spinny techniques.

Discontinued Model: The Andro Revolution Quad series is likely discontinued, so finding new stock might be difficult. You might have better luck searching for used ones online.
Less Control Than Pure Control Rubbers: Compared to rubbers designed specifically for maximum control, the Quad 450 might require a bit more skill development to handle due to its focus on power and spin.

Since the Quad 450 is likely discontinued, here are some options within Andro’s current lineup that offer a similar playing style with a balance of power, spin, and control, with a focus on spin:

Andro Rasanter 42: Offers a good balance between speed, spin, and control for allround offensive play, with decent spin generation.
Andro Trichon 5: Focuses on a balance of power, spin, and control with a slightly softer topsheet for better touch, potentially offering a similar feel to the Quad 450 but with a bit more control.
Consider Andro Rasanter rubbers with a higher number (like R47) if prioritizing even more spin is important, but be aware they might demand a higher skill level and potentially offer less control.
Additional Notes:

It’s important to remember that information about discontinued models might be limited. Reviews from players who used the Quad 450 or similar spin-oriented offensive rubbers can be valuable for understanding its specific performance and feel.
Some online resources (like mention a different Andro Revolution Quad model, the Quad 480, which was described as very fast and high spin. The Quad 450 likely offered a more balanced approach compared to the Quad 480.

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